
Gebruik je boeren verstand

Short human portraits of three different farmers we made for Agrifirm. The campaign by Brandvuur; ‘Gebruik je boeren verstand’, meaning ‘use your farmer’s instinct’ meant to open the eyes of the Dutch consumer and create awareness about where our food comes from and how fair it’s made. The farmers were given the opportunity to substantiate their opinion and with clear, critical, and bold arguments they open your eyes and maybe even let you think twice about buying a product in the supermarket.

Who made it happen:

Agency Brandvuur
Client Agrifirm

Director Sjors Baarveld
Producer: Ava Elenbaas
DOP Job van Bijsteren
2nd Camera Milan van Gestel
Light -
AD -
Photography Rutger Geleijnse

Edit Kevin Tromp


PLUS - Buitenbaas


Chupa Chups - Tokyo